
Showing posts from August, 2020


VARANASI- tourist spot, famous, ghats  If you are talking about travelling, then its not done without including varanasi.  HISTORY Varanasi is the oldest city of the world. Varanasi has given us many amazing poets, musicians, culture, foods, traditions and fashion trends. Varanasi is famous worldwide for its ghats, temples, narrow lanes, cows, foods. TOURISM Varanasi is one of major spot for tourism for everyone around the world. People from all over the world visit varanasi regarding their faiths, believes and for many more reasons. Varanasi have so much places related to our ancient history.  1. GHATS Every ghat in varanasi is having its own history. The most famous ghats are DADHSHWAMEDH GHAT image source :-GOOGLE ASSI GHAT image source :- GOOGLE MANIKARNIKA GHAT image source :- google NARAD GHAT BHU (BANARAS HINDU UNIVERSITY) BHU is the world class university, and one of the reason why students come to varansi. BHU is having its own very interesting history. If u want...

solo trip

SOLO TRAVEL. I have been a freak of doing things solo like solo long drive, I dont know if this thing is wierd to you guys but i like going to theatre alone, i used to walk miles alone. And this is the reason i also love solo trips so i will be sharing with you guys some facts, tips, tricks and suggestions. So without wasting your time lets get started--- SOLO TRAVEL BENIFITS :- Travelling solo has a huge list of benifits ,ok ok fine i will share, wait  1. Confidence build up. 2. Helps you find yourself. 3. Makes you able to stand on your know. 4. Increases your knowledge of places. 5. Enhances your creativity level. 6. Self dependency. 7. most importantly you will be able to see a different form of yourself. The all new and fresh and confident one. SOLO TRIP IN INDIA:- India has a bunch of places to visit and enjoy. Here you will have your encounter with   a. Incredible Cultures.  b. Beauty of Nature.  c. traditions.  d. History.  If you are an Indian...