how to blog

From ever since blogger was introduced it has been a good source of earning by just following what u are interested in 

The proble with us when we start anything new or different we are not to face the hurdles and obstacles, we just start compairing ourswlf with the top of that field which breaks our confidence and with time we start losing our interest and finally after some months or days we end up thinking that its not of my type

If u r not running from struggles then yes its a platform for u to be the richest man in the room
just by following some steps

before starting the steps let me tell u guys what u need to do blogging

1. u should have ur gmail account.

2. paytm or any bank account source on which u will recieve money.

3. u always have to put ur real content (should not be the idea of someone else or copied from someone else's website if u do so there is a full chance u will be banned and never get paid .


STEP 1. search blogger on ur search engine. and open the link. 

STEP 2. click on "create your blog".

STEP 3. enter your email id and other details that is asked.

here you are done with ur creating a blog


note :- i have already created my post.
u will se the option bar in the left corner of ur screen (three lines)

Now u will have to click on that 

here are the option now what ever u want to upload just click on the post and type ur content there, to make it interesting add some photos and vlibk on publish


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