Health and fitness, (Physical fitness, workout, gym, Tips)
Fitness Meaning fitness means different to different people, being healthy is a different thing, some people consider fitness just to be disease free, some people like me take fitness as having muscular body, everyone has thier own perspecive regarding fitness i think "FITNESS OR BEING HEALTHY MEANS BEING FIT MENTALLY, PHYSICALLY, BEHAVIOURALLY, EMOTIONALLY etc." Physical fitness if u wanna say your self physically fit then you should be having less body fat and your body should be able to resist some injuries as well. Benifits 1. First of all it creates a difference, 2. it makes your identity as the punctual one, 3. it builds your confidence, make your immunity much more stronger than the normal one. 4. you start getting attention. 5. now a days even in interview ur fitness decides very much that u will be selected or not. Fitness tips Its not ...